PDF Fisheries Yield at Landscape Scale in LMB

URL: https://opendata.nesdc.go.th/dataset/9cfbe6b4-1d22-4761-aef7-ae68f10aad25/resource/9cb11c9b-9192-46ad-8591-424e69f69f23/download/-regional-study-on-the-fisheries-yield-assessment-by-habitat-types-.pdf

From the dataset abstract

Thailand is located between the Gulf of Thailand in the east and Andaman Sea in the west. The country consists of 77 provinces and its total land area is about 513,115 km² with a total...

Source: Fisheries Yield at Landscape Scale in the LMB

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Data last updated December 14, 2022
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File Size (ไบต์) 2673097