The National Dialogue on Water in Thailand

The National Dialogue on Water in Thailand aims to support adjustments in water resources management, building on the agenda that Thailand has embarked upon in recent years (e.g. the new Water Resources Act, and the Master Plan on Water Resources Management). Representatives from ONWR (Office of the National Water Resource) and other Thai stakeholders have indicated that it is a priority to address the policy, institutional, financial and technical challenges related to enhancing water security and improving efficiency in Thailand, particularly in the rapidly developing Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) . The Dialogue’s scope is confined to two main topics, which reflect initial discussions with the Government of Thailand (e.g. ONWR) and Thai stakeholders:

Organizations :
Metadata last updated :
December 15, 2022
สำนักงานสภาพัฒนาการเศรษฐกิจและสังคมแห่งชาติ (สศช.)
Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC)
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